Sunday, January 29, 2006

Upon Julias Breast

Upon Julia’s Breast

His eyes did rest upon Julia’s breast
as she spoke or questioned or sighed,
until she shaved her head one day
to spite his wandering eye;
now when she speaks or quests or sighs
his eyes rest on her barren brow,
on the memory of her hairline
and the fate that awaits him now.

1 comment:

Ed Meers said...

Interesting statement: awaiting fate as focus shifts from fruitul endowment to something perceived as severe.

...I remember seeing the folk singer Garnet Rogers years ago where he introduced a story about his grandparents before a song. Essentially, his aged Grandfather says something affectionately randy about his wife of many years, tapping her lightly on the chest around her collarbone to which she replies "they're down here now", pointing to her stomach. So Garnet continues on to say "so this song is about the triumph of love over gravity..."

Made me laugh.

Anyway, my Mom just had her breast removed last week because of cancer, so, I guess your poem reminded me of that too...